A trademark is any point that distinguishes the products or services of a company from those of other companies, ensuring on the one hand the recognition of the company to the general public and, on the other hand, its differentiation from its competitors.
Every business must proceed to register its trademark as in this way the right to its exclusive use is granted, i.e. it is granted an absolute right to inscribe it on its products and in every printed material and electronic media as well as to characterize the services provided by prohibiting, at the same time, the use of said trademark for the same products or services by any third party.
This protection can be granted either at the national level (national mark), or at the European (European mark) or at the international level (international mark) depending on the local field of activity of the business.
The national trademark is defined as the right granted by the Directorate of Trademarks or the Administrative Courts, in accordance with Law 4679/2020, regulated by it and producing results in the Greek Territory.
The national mark may consist of any signs, in particular of words, including the name of persons, or of designs, letters, numbers, colors, the shape of the product or the packaging of the product, or of sounds, provided that these signs :
The right to the trademark according to article 3 of Law 4679/2020 is acquired by its registration in the register. The registration is defined as the definitive registration of the declaration of trademark filing in the Trademark Registry after the examination of the formal and substantive conditions set by Law 4679/2020 which gives rise to the right to the national trademark.
For the registration of the trademark, a standard procedure is followed which includes the following stages:
The types of marks that can be registered are divided into the following categories:
a) word mark: consists exclusively of words, letters, numbers, other common typographical characters or a combination of the above, the mark is represented by a standardized font and layout, without any graphic feature or color,
b) pictorial mark: consists of non-standard characters, , stylistic illustration or layout, or some graphic feature or color or exclusively of pictorial elements,
c) three-dimensional shape mark: consists of or includes a three-dimensional shape, including containers, packaging and the product itself or their appearance;
d) position mark: consists of the specific way of placing or attaching the mark to the product,
e) pattern trademark: consists exclusively of a set of elements which are repeated in a regular manner
f) in the case of a color-consisted mark: (aa) a single color without borders, (bb) a combination of colors without borders
g) sound signal: consists exclusively of a sound or a combination of sounds,
h) movement sign: consists of or includes a movement or change in the position of the elements of the sign,
i) audio-visual signal: consists of or includes a combination of image and sound,
j) holographic mark: consists of elements with holographic characteristics.
The European Union trade mark provides the trade mark holder with an application protection throughout the European Union, through the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The difference with the national mark lies only in the local extent of protection as with the European mark the company will be able to operate not only in Greece but also in the wider area of the European Union
This right, granted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in accordance with Regulation 2017/1001/EU, is regulated by it and produces effects throughout the European Union, having a uniform character in all member states.
Law 4679/2020 applies, unless otherwise specified, to international registration applications which have been filed in accordance with the Madrid Protocol (1989) which came into force in Greece on 10/8/2000 and are based on a declaration of national trademark filing or in a registered national trademark or in the registration of trademarks in the International Register maintained by the International Office of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the protection of which has been extended to the Greek Territory.
For the filing of an international application in the International Register, in accordance with Article 3 of the Madrid Protocol, based on a declaration of filing of a national mark or a registered national mark, the following conditions must be met:
a) the depositor has a real and permanent industrial or commercial establishment or residence in Greece or has Greek citizenship
b) the applicant has filed a national trademark declaration or has a registered national trademark in Greece.
The filing of an international trademark in question does not imply its rightful protection worldwide but only at the national level of each third country that is a member of the Madrid Treaty.
The law office of Eleftheria Andrianopoulou handles trademark registration directly at the national, community or international level and fully secures your business against any malicious and competitive behavior.
Within 24 hours of contacting us, attorney Ms. Andrianopoulou Eleftheria will contact you to obtain a brief history of your case and schedule a meeting with you either in person or via video call.
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