Entry into the Greek Territory - Entry Visa (Visa)

Entry into the Greek Territory - Entry Visa (Visa)

Entry into Greek territory means only legal entry from the entry points and not irregular arrival bypassing the controlled points. This follows from article 3 par 1 of the Immigration Code which states verbatim that "Each person is allowed to enter and exit Greek territory only through controlled border crossings."

A citizen of a third country, who enters Greek territory, must possess a valid travel document, recognized by the competent Greek authorities, which he must carry, if required by applicable international conventions, EU law and national regulations, an entry visa (VISA ). The entry visa is issued by the Greek consular authority of the third country national's place of residence.

Entry visas are divided into short-stay visas (Schengen visa) and are granted for a period not exceeding 90 days within any 180-day period and long-stay visas (national visas) which are granted for a period exceeding 90 days and can be up to 365 days, based on the corresponding residence status of third-country nationals, national legislation or EU law.

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Within 24 hours of contacting us, attorney Ms. Andrianopoulou Eleftheria will contact you to obtain a brief history of your case and schedule a meeting with you either in person or via video call. 
